WizardSecLabs Writeups

Writeups for all the WizardSecLabs boxes I have solved

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DATE: 20/05/2019



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I don’t know why it showed the port 7007 as filtered, because when I checked that port I got closed.


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hmm…So we have some accesible directories. Let’s see what we can find in them.

I got nothing interesting in the js and img but in backup/ we got another URL

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I couldn’t figure out what this path refering to until I saw XML function in the source of the page.

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This is basically reference to XXE attack. The path that we got from backup is actually telling us where’s the password are kept or in other words we have to use XXE to access that file/path.

Now, If we capture the request sent while submitting the form we will find the following XML in body request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Instead of sending this we can edit the code to be

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT foo ANY >
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///home/lord/password_backup.txt" >]>

This is XXE attack.

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Okay so now we have the user name lord and password sunnysunshine!5

User pwn

Just ssh into machine using those credentials and get the user.

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