WizardSecLabs Writeups

Writeups for all the WizardSecLabs boxes I have solved

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DATE: 16/05/2019



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There are the usual ports like 22 and 80. And then there’s a suspicious port running samba service.

But first lets enumerate with diresearch


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Okay so there’s nothing on the website except the manual which had nothing interesting.

Okay so time to read the source of the website.

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Hmmm….meaning there’s backup some where. But if we didn’t find anything via dirsearch then it leaves the samba services

I wasted lot of time understanding how to access files using smbclient. First I was trying to use exploit for the specific version and what not but then I finally figure it out.

Okay so let’s run enum4linux to see what all information we can find.

It’s gives lot of output but we found what we wanted to.

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This means we can read the public shares by running the following command:

smbclient -I "//PANOPTICON/public" -U "" -N

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Here we can see that there’s the old site they were talking about.

We can mget command to get the zip file.

After getting those file I unzipped them which gave me a folder named php-site-master and in the app/config/config.php I found the password


$config = new Phalcon\Config(array(
    'database' => array(
        'adapter' => 'mysql',
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'username' => 'seer',
        'password' => 'IS33Something',
        'dbname' => 'php_site'
    'phalcon' => array(
        'controllersDir' => '/../app/controllers/',
        'modelsDir' => '/../app/models/',
        'libraryDir' => '/../app/library/',
        'viewsDir' => '/../app/views/',
        'baseUri' => '/php-site/'
    'models' => array(
        'metadata' => array(
            'adapter' => 'Apc',
            'lifetime' => 86400

Now we can use these logins for SSH.

Right after SSH the first thing I found was user.txt

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After pwning user I started to look around and found something in the folder dev_development

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But the moment I did the ls after that I got this weird message saying You have a new mail in /var/mail/seer. This mean a cron job is running. So I looked around in the cron.d and other cron.* folders but found nothing.

After that I decided to cat the /var/mail/seer but it was a very big so I grep it with Subject and found few interesting things.

I got few lines like

Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> /home/seer/update.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> /home/seer/update.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> /home/seer/update.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> /home/seer/update.sh
Subject: *** SECURITY information for Panopticon.Panopticon ***
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> /bin/run-parts  /home/seer/dev_departement/*
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> /bin/run-parts  /home/seer/dev_departement/*
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> /bin/run-parts  /home/seer/dev_departement/*
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> /bin/run-parts  /home/seer/dev_departement/*
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> for f in /home/seer/dev_departement/*.py ; do  /usr/bin/python3 "$f" done
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh
Subject: Cron <root@Panopticon> bash /var/tmp/.lol.sh

The two suspicious things are:

1) /var/tmp/.lol.sh

I tried to cat it but got permission denied so I assumed that this is the `cron` responsible for giving out that message.

2) for f in /home/seer/dev_departement/*.py ; do /usr/bin/python3 "$f" done

This is the key to heaven :smile:
This line is basically taking any `python` file from the `dev_developement` folder and is executing it.

Using this we can write a python script which will read the `root.txt`

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Along with reading the root.txt I also read the .lol.sh file to see what was that script doing.

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END DATE: 16/05/2019

END TIME: 10:21 AM